SARONNO – “A thank you is due to those who have finally brought some order and dignity to the columbarium area, giving back a bit of dignity to the deceased whose columbariums were affected by this incident, and also to ilSaronno, which helped us make our voice heard.”
This is the gratitude to the Municipality and our newspaper that comes from some pensioners who, together with Sergio Giannoni, reported the presence of fallen tombstones and requested maintenance intervention.
But what happened? A few weeks ago, 4 tombstones came loose from their position in the columbariums on the right side of the entrance. They ended up on the ground, dragging photos and pieces of broken vases. “They remained there like that for many weeks – Sergio Giannoni denounced with some elderly people – the area was simply cordoned off without removing the pieces, without ensuring a minimum of order and decency.”
When, despite the reports, the pensioners realized that the commemoration of the deceased was approaching without any intervention, they decided to publicly request an intervention, which arrived during the week.

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Articolo precedenteSaronno rinascita: ricostruzione dell’ex Cantoni e nuovi progetti residenziali
Articolo successivoNuova antenna per la telefonia a Saronno: trasparenza e copertura garantite


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