SESTO CALENDE – “This beautiful place has a serious problem: it is not treated as it deserves.” It is Sesto Calende, the beautiful place. And it is described in this way by the local section of Legambiente, in a letter also signed by some citizens to draw attention to the state of “two of the most beautiful and renowned places for leisure time, especially in summer”, namely the Pobi beach and the Europa Park: “Both currently afflicted by unacceptable degradation”.

Respect for the Pobi

Areas that have been the subject of cleaning and waste removal interventions by Legambiente volunteers in the past, as well as reports. In particular, numerous actions have been taken towards the Pobi, undoubtedly one of the most beautiful beaches on Lake Maggiore. They ask to “restore it to its naturalistic role”. Yes, because “thoughtless use has led to pollution from garbage that affects a large area of ​​forest and coastline, with waste of all kinds: sanitary napkins, diapers, bottles, and litter left everywhere”. Furthermore, “fires are illegally lit, mostly on the ground, at risk of fire” and the forest “is currently used as a toilet: a real shame”. Not to mention that “boats practically dock on the shore, throwing sharp anchors that are a danger to swimmers, especially children. In several cases, there have been clashes between swimmers and maneuvering boats”. And if noticed, often there are “verbal aggressions”. An “unsustainable” situation. The goal now is for the area to “become a virtuous place of protection”. And furthermore, among the requests, also that “access to the area is allowed to citizens but respecting a place that must put the relationship between man and nature at the center”. And therefore, that “access by car from Via Pasturazza is blocked with a barrier”. In addition to positioning cameras near the trash bin, but also “buoys to delimit the docking of boats too close to the shore, and that illegal behavior is punished by the coast guard”.

Europa Park between nature and leisure

Even Europa Park is a priority for Legambiente. To be “revalued as a naturalistic area but at the same time for leisure, respecting the environment”. That it is therefore a “reference for those who want to spend time by the river, without missing some comforts”. Hence, the request that “the parking lot becomes usable without risks (by adapting pavement, lighting, park access, security systems)”. In addition to being “renewed by focusing on the installation of charging stations for electric vehicles or by covering the area with photovoltaic canopies”. They also ask that “basic hygiene services be available, accessible to area users” and to “put an end to the use of the natural environment as if it were a toilet”. And furthermore: “Create a dedicated area for those who do not want to give up Sunday barbecues, but that can take place safely by creating a dedicated regulation and involving law enforcement”. Finally: “Create a narrative about the area and monitor the tree species present, avoiding emergency interventions”.

“A change is needed”. The signatories

The letter was also signed by some citizens: Andrea Sottoriva, Richard Blech, Fabrizio Leonardi, Elido, Rosanna and Gionata Pisoni, Loredana Caddeo, Donatella Ferrari, Roberta Maltagliati, Mattia Basilico, Rosa La Rosa, Carlo Legnani, Paola Macchi, Adele Casati, Francesca Ventura, Gionata and Amos Rogiani, Angelo Cora, Filippo Perricone, Claudio Bullita, Mara Lupo Stanghelini, Elisa and Marco Colombo. Who emphasize: “Our position is always the same, a significant change is necessary. Both cultural for citizens and in terms of management for those responsible for the common good”.


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