GALLARATE – “We fear that common sense has been lost in Gallarate”. Forza Italia criticizes the widespread sanctions imposed on public establishments in the city for not having red and white chains to delimit the space of outdoor seating areas. According to Forza Italia, “it is an exercise that goes against the sense of moderation”.

Insult to intelligence

The city coordination of Forza Italia, the fourth majority force that expresses the deputy mayor Rocco Longobardi (Business Activities) in the council, strongly takes a position on the fines imposed by the local police in recent days on numerous bars and restaurants in the city. According to the statement released by coordinator Nicola Mucci, checks on possible abuses in the occupation of concessioned spaces are welcome, “but to think of having our historic center filled with horrible plastic poles and chains is an insult not only to intelligence but also to public decorum. Can you imagine having an aperitif in Piazza San Marco, Piazza della Signoria or Piazza Navona, or more simply in Corso Matteotti in Varese or Viale Milano in Busto Arsizio, surrounded by white and red chains that are more suitable for a road construction site than for urban furniture?”

Another case within the majority

According to Forza Italia, the rule that allows this is “ridiculous in its stupidity, but we find equally qualifying the behavior of those who impose fines thinking that these attitudes contribute to the improvement of the poor civic sense of the Italian people”. The words of the blue party also create another political case within the majority, because they are in stark contrast with the statement issued today by the councilor for Security, Germano Dall’Igna (Security), “on behalf of the municipal administration”, and therefore on behalf of the entire executive (including the deputy mayor), which promptly defended the work of the local police. “In Gallarate – conclude the Berlusconians – the sense of moderation has been lost on some issues for some time. We need to recover dialogue and confrontation, being able to act like a good head of the family, that is, first dissuading and then eventually sanctioning. Finally, we wonder if perhaps the patrols of our local police should spend their precious time on these questionable services or be more usefully engaged in monitoring serious traffic violations or in equally useful services for public safety”.

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Articolo successivoMistero a Laveno Mombello: trovato cadavere in decomposizione


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