A Desio, the extraordinary activity of the Local Police in the project “December in safety” was evaluated: 154 vehicles checked, 58 fines for violations of the Highway Code, one administrative seizure, 4 requested interventions, and one accident detected.

“December in safety” with maximum controls
These are the main numbers of the extraordinary evening services carried out by the Local Police of Desio, as the leader, in collaboration with the Municipality of Muggiò, as part of the project promoted by the Lombardy Region aimed at urban and road safety during a particularly sensitive time of the year: during the patrols, 154 drivers were subjected to alcohol testing, 4 tested positive, 4 licenses were revoked, 93 urban safety interventions were carried out, and 33 measures were taken.

Evening and night presence
“We were asked for a widespread evening and night presence in areas where there is a greater ‘nightlife’ and an increase in already considerable traffic, especially during the Christmas holidays,” explain Mayor Simone Gargiulo and Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Security, Andrea Villa. “The agents involved have carried out meticulous work on the main routes in the area, both in the city center and in the suburbs, as well as in the territory of Muggiò. Some groups of lively teenagers were identified, but the active cameras allowed their recognition, thus allowing preventive activities.”

Thorough controls for city safety
Particular attention was paid to Piazza Conciliazione, Via Garibaldi, Matteotti, Portichetto, Tripoli, Corso Italia, and the surrounding areas, as well as Via Gramsci, Piazza Don Giussani, and Piazza Giotto, the railway station, the northern market, and Cascina Bolagnos. In addition, the area of the new cemetery, Via Mascagni (up to the border with Muggiò), and Parco Tittoni were also monitored.

Thanks to the Local Police
The controls also focused on the main arteries of the city: in various points of Via Milano, Via per Cesano, Via Maestri del Lavoro, Viale Sabotino, Via Agnesi, at some commercial establishments for verification of the sale of alcohol to minors, as well as evening nightlife activities revolving around Via Tripoli. “Environmental checks were also carried out to combat the abandonment of waste and to protect public and private property,” Villa adds. “We thank the evening work of the agents, who have ensured a constant presence in the area during this festive period.”

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