Saronno – “Friday afternoon, December 22nd, a street artist was robbed in Saronno while performing with her guitar accompanied by her beloved dogs, whom she loves more than her life.” This is how the note released by the association Cento per cento animalisti begins regarding the theft that occurred yesterday afternoon in the city center. “Mara, her name, is well known to us, as our movement, exactly one year ago, on the occasion of her visit to Padua, had welcomed her request and contributed to the purchase of a van that now serves as her home for her and her furry companions. Mara is homeless and supports herself with her activities, skill games and playing the guitar. She does not use her dogs (one of which is disabled) to beg for money, on the contrary, we reiterate that she would give her life for them.” And they continue: “The people of Saronno welcomed her well during her stay. However, the onlookers who witnessed the scene helplessly were shocked. The thief had approached her yesterday morning asking if she wanted “smoke”, and of course Mara had replied no. In the afternoon, around 6 pm, the individual returned and quickly stole her hat for donations, disappearing in a hurry.” The police have been alerted: “Mara has filed a complaint through the carabinieri, she trusts in the investigations and hopes for the presence of security cameras in Piazza Libertà (the place where the incident occurred). The fact remains that it is truly serious, comparable to stealing candy from a child. Our Movement will try to follow the case, such an infamous crime cannot be forgiven.

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