SARONNO – “Give us back our city”: this is the message with which a reader of ilSaronno concludes his WhatsApp message before Christmas lunch. Today, December 25th, while walking through the center, the people of Saronno found themselves faced with piles of garbage from both the evenings and the wrongly exposed separate waste collection, which was therefore not collected. The people of Saronno focused on what was visible in Piazza Libertà and at the corner with Vicolo Lino, but they were not the only ones to highlight the problem. Another report came from Ettore regarding the intersection between Via San Cristoforo and Piazza Riconoscenza: “In this area, there are always a lot of garbage bags and possible paper, can’t we have a clean area at least on Christmas day? And to think that the Administration wanted to enhance it this year by removing parked cars. Inconveniences for residents, but no attention to decorum.” Would you like to receive the main news in real time? On WhatsApp, send the message “notizie on” to the number +39 3202734048. On Telegram, search for the channel @ilsaronnobn or click on There is also a WhatsApp channel, click here to subscribe.

Articolo l’informazione indipendente per la città di Modena
Articolo successivoSaronno: Musica e Movimento nella Notte di Natale


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