Violence in the family: two measures in Cantù and Carugo.
Two more violent men are in trouble. It happened on Saturday, December 23, 2023, when in two separate operations the Carabinieri of the Mariano Comense Tenenza and the Cantù Station, both units under the Cantù Company, executed two precautionary measures by the Attorney General of Como against two individuals considered responsible for violence within the family.
The measure in Carugo
In particular, the Mariano Comense Tenenza carried out a measure against C.A., 45 years old, from Carugo, prohibiting him from approaching his spouse, with the application of an electronic monitoring device, a measure resulting from the woman’s complaint filed on November 8 at the Cantù Station and subsequent investigations by the aforementioned Tenenza, which found the harassment she was subjected to.
The measure in Cantù
And again, on the same day, the Cantù Station, in execution of a precautionary measure, arrested B.F., 38 years old, from Cantù, for mistreatment, violence, and injuries against his partner who had requested the intervention of the Carabinieri at her home on December 19, following yet another episode of mistreatment. Despite the woman’s fear of filing a complaint, the military still documented her evident state of prostration, which had been going on for about 3 years, a reconstruction accepted by the Attorney General of Como, who, with an urgent measure, ordered the man’s custody in prison. He was then taken to the Casa Circondariale in the capital.

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