BUSTO ARSIZIO – Odors in Beata Giuliana, the problem arises again. Reports are flooding the ecology office of the Municipality of Busto Arsizio about the unbearable air, especially in the morning and evening hours, and immediately a letter is sent to the competent authorities – first of all Arpa Lombardia and Ats Insubria – to request specific checks and investigations on the origin of the “olfactory discomfort”. It is not the first time this happens, but citizens are asking for clarity.

The request to Arpa

“We have collected multiple reports from citizens and immediately took action to ask Arpa, which is the competent regional authority in environmental matters, to carry out all necessary checks,” reveals the councilor delegated to ecology, Orazio Tallarida. “Now we are waiting for answers.” In the letter sent from Palazzo Gilardoni, addressed to Arpa Lombardia, Ats Insubria, but also to the neighboring municipalities of Gallarate and Cassano Magnago, it speaks of “a pungent and persistent smell” detected mainly in the Beata Giuliana neighborhood, north of the city.

The usual suspects

Suspicions once again fall on a private composting plant located on the outskirts of the Sciarè industrial area in Gallarate, near the border with Cassano Magnago, which had already been indicated in the past as the source of the nauseating odors that reach the Beata Giuliana area. “The neighborhood has been enduring these smells for a lifetime,” emphasizes the “historical memory” Giuseppe Gorini, former city secretary of the Lega, on social media. In recent months, Legambiente had launched a monitoring and collection campaign of reports on “olfactory discomfort” on social media. But the case resurfaces punctually. And, in general exasperation, there are already those who are concerned about when the new hospital will be built and wonder how it will be compatible with the smells.


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