SARONNO – Black out of public lighting in the central via Italia: it had already happened several times in the past, the problem reoccurred late this afternoon, when all the streetlights went out. A problem mitigated by the presence of lights in shop windows and stores, which remained on and helped illuminate the central pedestrian artery during a time of walking and shopping for many citizens. On the other hand, a problem that has already been seen in the past, not only in via Italia but also in other nearby streets in the restricted traffic area of Saronno. Do you want to receive the main news in real time? On Whatsapp, send the message “notizie on” to the number +39 3202734048. On Telegram, search for the channel @ilsaronnobn or click on There is also a WhatsApp channel, click here to join (photo: public lighting turned off late this afternoon in via Italia in Saronno).

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