Acque nere all’interno di uno dei locali al piano terra

GALLARATE – “We will have to leave the shop, I don’t know what the timing will be. But if I don’t find another space, I will have to close the business.” These are the words of one of the shop owners inside the building on Via Torino in Gallarate, the building that – according to the order issued by the Municipality yesterday, November 29th – will have to be evacuated due to inaccessibility. The first comment of those who are thinking about the next steps to take to safeguard their profession, while facing the inconveniences of an inaccessible place.

The inconveniences

Some shops have already left the premises at Torino 8 – the name of the building – and have relocated their businesses to other areas of the city. Others, however, are trying to resist. At least until the evacuation order is issued. “I’ve been here for a few months, but I know it’s a situation that has been going on for some time.” In detail: the facilities are defective (“Don’t you feel cold in this room?” is the question. But also the answer) and trying to contact the residents via intercom is impossible: it doesn’t work. But what mostly catches attention are the smells: the major inconvenience, in fact, is caused by damage to the sewers. Black water stagnates at the entrance of one of the ground floor premises. And the sound of dripping testifies to a leak even in the basement, right under the grates.

What will happen?

The question is: what will be done? “I will have to find another place if I don’t want to close,” fears the shop owner. Some colleagues simply shake their heads, as if to say, “I don’t know what will happen.” Someone else, on the other hand, does not speak out, waiting for the owners to intervene. In the meantime, they simply take note of the situation described in the order, with “numerous critical issues regarding the maintenance and compliance of the building’s systems, which compromise its functioning and safety, as well as various hygienic and health problems.” In short, a disgraceful situation due to the inaccessibility of the sewers, the deterioration of the garages, the heating systems, and the lack of safety.


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