“Fleximan is coming, Varesotti raise your head”. The banner under the speed camera in Buguggiate, probably placed during the night, was already illegible this morning, crumpled up and torn by the passing cars’ vortices. This is a technique well-known and used by ultras groups and extraparliamentary political movements: the banner appeared near the speed camera on the provincial road, which has been the subject of controversy for some time due to the lowering of the speed limit to 70 km/h, resulting in a flood of fines.

On the morning of Thursday, January 25th, the banner was already torn, but it was Francesco Tomasella, former member of Forza Nuova, No Vax activist (he received a suspended sentence of 10 months for the No Mask dinner during the pandemic exposed by Striscia la Notizia), former candidate in Varese with Lombardia Libera (not elected) and now a member of the new movement founded by Gianni Alemanno “Indipendenza!”, who posted it on social media during the night and spread it to the newspapers.

In a post, he shared a photo of the banner inviting the people of Varesotto to raise their heads, hoping for the arrival of Fleximan, the man who destroys speed cameras. Tomasella himself, in a post on his Facebook page, recounted how he received a fine from the Buguggiate camera.

The story of the Buguggiate speed camera does indeed have some controversial aspects. The camera, which for years had been calibrated to a speed limit of 90 km/h, was recalibrated in 2022 to a limit of 70 km/h. This decision was made based on various reasons but implemented with a small bureaucratic mess. At the time of activating the new limit, not everything went smoothly in the bureaucratic process that had to process and send the fines. This resulted in numerous violations accumulating without being promptly notified to the offenders. When the fines were finally issued, there were several cases of motorists receiving dozens of fines at once, causing various grievances.

After a “troubled” period, the flow of fines has now decreased and delivery times have become smoother.

Buguggiate speed camera, two million euros in fines “but now the number of sanctions has decreased”.


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