Arluno, Pregnana Milanese and Vanzago have allied even more to strengthen road safety. In recent days, in the presence of Major Pietro Laghezza, commander of the Carabinieri Company of Legnano, and Vanzago’s Security Councillor, Musante, a significant memorandum of understanding was signed. During the event, Lieutenant Caffer, commander of the Arluno Carabinieri Station, was given a new breathalyzer, a Draeger 9510-IT model, on loan for free use.

This agreement also involved mayors Agolli of Arluno, Bosani of Pregnana Milanese and Sangiovanni of Vanzago, who joined forces to respond concretely to the needs of territorial control. The breathalyzer, representing a total investment of €7,246.80 divided equally among the three municipalities, is an advanced tool dedicated exclusively to the Arluno Station. This device is essential to intensify control and deterrence operations against alcohol abuse, with particular attention to road safety.

The use of the breathalyzer will not be limited to the Carabinieri alone, but will also be extended to joint patrols with the local police officers of the three municipalities, especially in periods of greater need, such as the summer months. This is not the first time that the municipalities of Arluno, Pregnana Milanese and Vanzago have collaborated for local security. Previously, they have co-financed the refurbishment of the barracks and the purchase of a new car for the Arluno Carabinieri, demonstrating a continuous and shared commitment in managing resources for the common good.


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