Hamadi El Makkaoui, 26 years old, has been sentenced to 23 years. Hamadi El Makkaoui, the twenty-six-year-old Moroccan-born worker charged with the death of entrepreneur Anselmo Campa, 56 years old, killed with a hammer on April 19, 2022, in his apartment in Grumello del Monte. The sentence was issued by the Court of Assizes presided over by Giovanni Petillo (alongside colleague Laura Garufi). Last hearing, prosecutor Maria Esposito, at the end of her closing argument, had requested 24 years. The defendant’s lawyers, Robert Ranieli and Giorgio Conti, will appeal.

“This sentence will not bring my father back. Now that it’s all over, we are all more relaxed,” said Federica Campa, Anselmo’s daughter and Hamadi’s ex-girlfriend. There was not even a glance between the two. A provisional payment of 250,000 euros was awarded to Federica, the same amount for the mother representing the underage daughter. Seventy thousand euros for Campa’s mother, forty thousand for his sister.

The murder took place on April 19, 2022. Hamadi El Makkaoui, also known as Luca, was in prison in Opera and had been in a relationship with Campa’s daughter. According to the initial reconstruction, the argument with the entrepreneur arose because the victim had purchased a car and then left it for his daughter’s then-boyfriend to use. After the relationship between the young couple had ended (the defendant had fallen into the world of gambling and drugs), the victim had asked for the car back to sell it to a friend to whom he had already promised it. El Makkaoui claimed to have paid for the car in installments, 5-6 thousand euros. And that evening he went to the entrepreneur’s house to ask for 500 euros.

Then the argument and the attack with a hammer on Campa. A few days later, the carabinieri spoke to the young man who eventually confessed to the murder and then accompanied the investigators to the area, on the banks of the Oglio River, where he had hidden the hammer and the clothes (stained with blood) he was wearing at the time of the crime. In the locker at his workplace, they found the entrepreneur’s wallet and keys.

During the last hearing, the defendant, during the reading of spontaneous statements, said: “I apologize for what I have done. I cannot ask for forgiveness, but I apologize. I feel guilty especially towards my ex who experienced this as her responsibility. It’s not her fault, but mine. Anselmo treated me like a son and I still don’t understand how this could have happened. I cannot ask for forgiveness, but I apologize for the pain I have caused.”

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