Odyssey to Canada: an Italian’s cancelled flight and airport ordeal

SARONNO – Cancelled flight and airport odyssey: two (plenty) days to go from Saronno to Canada.

Games, music, and culture: “Nessun dorma” the white night of Solaro conquers everyone.

Crowded for the White Night of Cislago.

Saronno, many families and fun for the grand finale of the summer oratory at the Holy Family.

He is a twenty-year-old Moroccan, already known to the Italian justice system: we are talking about the boy found covered in blood on Friday morning on the outskirts of Turate and still hospitalized in serious condition at the Sant’Anna hospital in San Fermo della Battaglia in Como, where he had been taken by ambulance. It has therefore been clarified that he is a citizen of Morocco, and despite his young age, he had had problems with the law in the past for drug-related issues. This reinforces the initial hypothesis, namely that he was attacked – brutally beaten and stabbed – as a result of a drug-related settling of scores.


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Articolo successivoTradate: Accuse di diffamazione agli agenti della Polizia locale


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