Frontal and then the deadly fire in Brusaporto
After the violent impact with the truck, the car caught fire. The driver, trapped between the wreckage, was burned to death. There was nothing to be done for him. A horrible end for Francesco Randon, 61 years old, a general practitioner in Pontirolo Nuovo. The identification, which arrived only in the evening, hours after the terrible crash, was made difficult not only by the state of the body, but also by the signs left by the fire. Just think that both the license plate and the serial number would have been destroyed by the flames. It all happened yesterday afternoon around 3:08 pm along SS 42, near Brusaporto, the highway that connects Seriate with Albano Sant’Alessandro.
The column of smoke, due to the fire, caused a black smoke that was visible even from a distance. The truck driver, a 51-year-old man named Carlo Julita, was slightly injured and was treated on the spot by medical personnel from 118. The exact dynamics are being investigated by the Carabinieri of the Seriate Station, assisted by the fire brigade of Bergamo. The traffic was immediately blocked to allow the operators to work safely, also because long queues quickly formed (SS 42 is an important artery for traffic in the province). The highway was closed: the mandatory exit is at the height of Seriate, and alternative routes were recommended to avoid congestion. Long queues were also formed in the direction of Valle Cavallina, starting at the height of the Bergamo Fair.
A scene from a movie. The crash, and after a few moments, the flames. According to an initial reconstruction, the truck was traveling towards Bergamo. It was full of fruit and vegetables and the heavy vehicle was heading to Lecco for deliveries. The car, which should be a Ford Puma (but there is no certainty given the condition of the vehicle that caught fire), was heading towards Trescore Balneario. At the height of Brusaporto, it seems that the car invaded the opposite lane where the truck was approaching at that moment. The driver attempted a maneuver, but was unable to avoid the crash. And the car caught fire after the impact. Both vehicles are under seizure. The Bergamo traffic police also intervened for the investigations.

Articolo precedenteTragedia sulla SS 42: medico di base muore carbonizzato in un violento impatto
Articolo successivoMonza: l’incredibile episodio notturno che ha sconvolto la città


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