A Buccinasco, a few hours after its opening, the small square in Via Guida Rossa was hit by acts of vandalism. The newly inaugurated games in the square of Via Guido Rossa were vandalized.

BUCCINASCO – The arrangement of the square in Via Guido Rossa had been awaited for months. A long time that has given the neighborhood a place for socializing, where children can play and spend time together. But the brand new square has already been vandalized: the vandals targeted the children’s games and the seats, removing the covers and covering some parts with obscene graffiti.

A job done with “method”
A job done with “method”, using tools to unscrew and destroy the area. All this just a few hours after the opening of the small square, just tested and made available to residents.
On social media, the images of the havoc caused by the vandals have sparked indignation and condemnation, highlighting the deep incivility of those who committed the act of vandalism, but also of those who ignore the rules and park illegally in the new square.
The mayor’s words
Regarding the vandalism,
“We will immediately repair the vandalized structures because we do not want degradation in our territory – comments Mayor Rino Pruiti -. We will definitely strengthen the controls with any new cameras, but the role of citizens who care about their territory is fundamental: our Administration has invested over 450,000 euros for the redevelopment of the square, now it is up to citizens to take care of it.”


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