A Desio, in via Mascagni and via Santa Liberata, there have been no accidents in six months with the experimental roundabouts. The traffic measure is promoted.

Promotion of experimental roundabouts
They were set up six months ago to prevent accidents, but it is still uncertain whether the roundabouts at the intersections between via Pozzo Antico and Santa Liberata, and between via Mascagni and Giusti, will become permanent. Regarding this issue, the opposition councilor of the Democratic Party, Achille Taccagni, questioned the majority. The councilor for Public Works, Martina Cambiaghi, in her response, also provided data on the accidents that occurred near the intersections. At the intersection between via Mascagni/Giusti, there have been seven accidents since 2016, six of which resulted in injuries, while at the intersection between via Pozzo Antico/Santa Liberata, there have been six accidents with five injuries since 2019. This was the starting point that led to the experimentation.

Poor visibility at the intersection of via Santa Liberata
“In via Pozzo Antico, the intersection has proven to be particularly dangerous due to poor visibility caused by the presence of the chapel, while in via Mascagni, an intervention was necessary to reduce the speed of vehicles. In both cases, the presence of the roundabout has led to a reduction in speed, and since the experimentation began, no accidents have been recorded,” explained the councilor.

The issue of speed bumps raised
Taccagni also raised the issue of speed bumps: “Are we sure they comply with those required by the Highway Code?” he asked. Cambiaghi confirmed and added, “The contract for the final design of the two intersections is being awarded. The execution will be financed with the Administration’s surplus, already allocated with the last budget amendment in June.”

The redesign of sidewalks, their widening, and their compliance with regulations are also planned, as well as the removal of architectural barriers and the safety of pedestrian crossings, with the lowering or raising of platforms. “In this case,” the councilor clarified, “the speed bumps may no longer be necessary.”

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Articolo successivoEmergenza alluvione a Sovico: la strada di via Pietro Micca sommersa dall’acqua


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