VARESE – Contrast to “Malamovida” and checks for a safe Ferragosto: the Provincial Committee for Order and Security puts initiatives against fights, drug dealing, and nighttime disturbances at the center, particularly in Varese. The synergy between law enforcement and responsible bar owners is in place.

The meeting

On August 3rd, a meeting of the Provincial Committee for Order and Public Safety was held, chaired by Prefect Salvatore Pasquariello. Among other things, the issue of the so-called “Malamovida” was discussed. Present were the Police Chief, the Provincial Commander of the Carabinieri, the Provincial Commander of the Guardia di Finanza, Provincial Councilor Michele Di Toro, and the Security Assessor of the Municipality of Varese, Raffaele Catalano. The issue had already been discussed at a meeting of the Provincial Committee for Order and Public Safety held on March 28th, also attended by a representative from the Varese Chamber of Commerce and representatives from Confcommercio and Confesercenti of the province, in order to initiate shared initiatives and effectively achieve the objectives of safeguarding public safety and creating optimal living conditions, based on the principle of coordinated territorial control.

The approach

With the progress of the summer season and the approach of Ferragosto, it became necessary to assess the opportunity to activate further initiatives to counter fights, drug dealing, nighttime disturbances, and disruptive noise until late at night, as well as to prevent the illegal sale of alcohol to minors or beyond the permitted hours, and any other form of illegality and abuse. Healthy and safe fun against excessive partying and Malamovida, therefore. It is necessary to raise awareness among young people, also regarding the risks of alcohol and drug use and abuse, especially during summer nights in bars, where they are often responsible for incidents that disrupt livability and public order. It is important to value the virtuous behavior of those bar owners who, by collaborating with the municipalities and the police forces, promote civil behavior and respect for the rules. During the meeting, the Committee, with the participation of the specialties of the State Police (Border Police, Traffic Police, and Railway Police), defined a comprehensive, coordinated strategy of interventions for the deployment of all Police Forces during the Ferragosto period.

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