Pavia, 21 agosto 2023 – Bottles shards, abandoned cans on the walls, food leftovers, urine stains on the pavement, and bird droppings. Via Mantovani, the street that connects via Porta to via Cavallotti in the historic center and slightly outside the bustling area is very dirty.

It was some residents who reported it, showing what remains after the wild nights. Nights that have also been experienced in the past, because it has been a long time since a pressure washer has passed through the street and a proper manual cleaning has been carried out. Even less are the people who dirty and, as uncivilized individuals, abandon waste everywhere, being caught and fined.

A different case is the vault of via San Gerolamo Miani, where former councilor Marco Galandra reported the state of dirtiness and they intervened to clean it up. Unfortunately, the powerful water jet used concentrated cigarette butts, pieces of paper, and all the dirt collected on the sides in the center of the alley and was not removed.

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