Temperature in calo: a Monticello the maximum at 23°
The announced violent drop in temperatures has occurred. In really significant proportions. From August 24th, the day when the average temperatures reached the maximum point of the period, until today. The new head of Cardiology in Lecco? He could come from Merate. Instead, the current acting head could also be considered. But four candidates have also applied: a medical director from the San Matteo Policlinic in Pavia and the Director of the Cardiothoracic Vascular Department of ASST Brianza, eager – evidently – to end his brilliant career in the “home” hospital, being from Casate. There are four – and all
135 students from Villa Greppi risk finding themselves without classrooms. The experimental school is undergoing expansion with ongoing construction work. Fortunately, the municipality of Besana Brianza intervenes by making an old villa available from which to create the twelve necessary classrooms. The young man from Missaglia who, on New Year’s Eve 1981, shot and killed a 15-year-old girl from Casatenovo with a gun, is released from prison. The head of the

Articolo precedenteBlevio, la casa di Mario travolta dal fango: la terza volta
Articolo successivoRitrovati in Val Sanagra: la straordinaria avventura dei due escursionisti


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