Lonate Ceppino – “Another serious proof of the total failure of government policies”: the regional councilor of the Democratic Party, Samuele Astuti, comments on what happened in Lonate Ceppino, where 11 migrants were found hidden in a truck upon its arrival at a plastics company. “The episode – says Astuti – is very serious and is yet another testimony that this government, beyond the proclamations, has lost control of migration phenomena. Its policies are completely unsuccessful. We are completely adrift. There is no national plan for distribution and widespread reception, the only viable way to manage arrivals. A crazy policy that is bringing Lombardy to an emergency. Municipalities are left alone to deal with problems for which they do not have the necessary resources. A change of course is needed. What happened in Lonate Ceppino must not be repeated”.

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Articolo successivoSolidarietà e sostegno: l’arcivescovo visita Gerenzano


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