Romano La Russa e Giacomo Zamperini (FdI): “Close the underpass and install turnstiles as requested by Cosp and the Prefecture”

“The recent events that took place in the province of Lecco once again demonstrate the need for structural interventions aimed at strengthening security in train stations. The requests that emerged from the meeting of the Provincial Committee for Public Order and Safety, which took place yesterday and was supported by the Prefecture, are going in the right direction: close the underpass in Calolziocorte in the evening hours, as was already proposed in 2019, and install turnstiles at the entrances of both Calolziocorte and Lecco stations to allow access only to passengers,” said Romano La Russa, Regional Assessor for Security, and Giacomo Zamperini, Regional Councilor for Fdi.

“As already successfully done in Como and more recently in Monza, it would also be useful to deploy the military of “Strade Sicure” to patrol the most at-risk areas of the train stations in the Lecco area. In this regard, we have already had a first discussion with Undersecretary of Defense Isabella Rauti,” continue the Fdi representatives.

“As for the murder that took place at Calolziocorte station on Tuesday afternoon, we express our gratitude to the law enforcement agencies for the arrest made and for their usual excellent work,” they conclude. “In the face of crimes like this, if the accusations are confirmed, we hope for an appropriate punishment and that the perpetrator does not return to freedom shortly after,” they conclude.

Articolo precedenteTragedia a Calolziocorte: giovane italiano ucciso da un individuo armato
Articolo successivoTragedia stradale a Menconico: un morto e una ferita grave


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