GALLARATE – “The Highway Code defines it as a chicane and that’s what we will do to prevent accidents at the roundabout of Via Cardinale Schuster.” The Urban Planning Councillor of Gallarate, Sandro Rech, announces that tomorrow, September 25th, guardrails will be installed and the horizontal signage at the entrance of the roundabout for those coming from the south will be modified.

The solution

This is the solution chosen by the municipal administration to try to reduce the speed of those passing through the Arnate roundabout after the tragic death of 33-year-old Michele Valente, which dates back to last August. Since then, the Municipality had promised to work with technicians to study the best solution to make the intersection safe, which – as demonstrated by the overturning on September 20th – requires structural interventions. Now Rech presents the project (photo above) prepared by the offices. A chicane has been designed, which is a horizontal deflection of the road axis with a slight S-shape.

Previous cases

This is not an unprecedented solution for Gallarate. Even in the other roundabouts of Via Carlo Noè, some entrances or exits have been restricted, going from two to one lane. These are interventions that have sparked debate but that, in practice, seem to have reduced the accident rate at intersections where, due to the limited space, rear-end collisions were almost daily.


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