Monza: 24 persone identificate e 30 grams of hashish seized in anti-drug controls carried out by the local police against drug dealing and degradation during the night between Saturday, September 23rd and Sunday, September 24th.

Monza, anti-drug controls from the city center to the neighborhoods: in areas subject to complaints and reports.

Monza police anti-drug controls: Largo Mazzini.

The areas of the city subject to complaints and reports were under observation. Four operators from the Office for Territorial Security (NOST), including the canine unit, conducted controls in Via Romagna and Via Toscana; in the garden in front of the Puecher School in Via Goldoni; in the gardens of Via Artigianelli and Via Campini; in Largo Mazzini and Via Italia; in the Cambiaghi area; in Vicolo della Signora; in Via San Gottardo, Piazza San Paolo, and Via Enrico Da Monza.

Monza, anti-drug controls from the city center to the neighborhoods: Via San Gottardo.

Monza police anti-drug controls.

It is in these last three areas that the officers detected drug consumption and alleged drug dealing: near the pedestrian walkway of Via San Gottardo, 20 young people were identified while the canine unit found 1.43 grams of hashish on the ground, 4.94 grams on the recently thrown wall, 3.88 grams on a boy, and 0.99 grams hidden in the pants of a minor.

Two adult boys were reported to the Prefecture of Monza and Brianza for possession of drugs for personal use; the same procedure applied to a minor, who was then entrusted to one of the parents who arrived at the scene.

Monza, anti-drug controls from the city center to the neighborhoods: Piazza San Paolo.

An inspection was carried out in Piazza San Paolo with the drug-sniffing dog, which indicated the presence of pieces of hashish under a tree, surrounded by benches occupied by about ten boys. The total amount of hashish found was 5.66 grams, with a dose of 0.76 grams abandoned near the benches. The division into doses, the quantity, and the manner of abandonment suggested non-exclusively personal use.

Monza police anti-drug controls: Piazza San Paolo.

Monza, anti-drug controls from the city center to the neighborhoods: Nei gardens.

In the square and gardens of the Nei sports center in Via Enrico Da Monza, the officers found a dozen people divided into two groups, of which 4 were identified. The canine unit indicated the presence of 1.06 grams of hashish in the pocket of a foreign citizen, who was also reported to the Prefecture. The dog, finally, found 4.09 grams and 7.28 grams of hashish abandoned on the ground in different spots.

Monza, anti-drug controls from the city center to the neighborhoods: “Territory monitoring.”

“The work of monitoring the territory continues,” says the Councilor for Security and Local Police, Ambrogio Moccia, “as well as the supervision of the streets and squares of the city. A fundamental tool to counter urban degradation and ensure a safer city for the people of Monza.”

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