GALLARATE – Ruba 600,000 euros from the company he works for and invests them in cryptocurrency: unfaithful accountant arrested. The State Police of Gallarate, yesterday, Tuesday, September 26, executed a house arrest order issued by the Court of Busto Arsizio against a sixty-year-old resident of Varese province, considered the author of a multiple aggravated theft and money laundering: the man allegedly embezzled a large sum of money from the company’s accounts, where he worked as an accountant, transferring it to an investment platform in cryptocurrency.

The attempt to mislead

The investigations carried out by the investigative sector of the Public Security Commissioner’s Office, coordinated by the Busto Arsizio Public Prosecutor’s Office, began in March when the suspect, informed by the company owner of the total depletion of the company’s bank accounts, went to the Commissioner’s Office to file a complaint against unknown individuals who, according to him, had stolen the money from the company’s bank accounts, initially transferring them to his personal account and then to an investment platform in cryptocurrency.

The investigations

From there, the investigators of the Commissioner’s Office started their investigations, which, through a thorough analysis of the bank accounts, money transactions, as well as the timing and authorization procedures of the operations, gathered evidence that contradicted the facts reported by the suspect. It turned out that he was actually the unfaithful accountant and the actual author of the transactions, responsible for the theft of the substantial sum of 646,000 euros, which was subsequently transferred to an investment platform in cryptocurrency.

Frozen accounts

The clarity and unequivocal nature of the investigative framework outlined by the investigators allowed them to fully assess the necessary precautionary measures that led to the issuance of restrictive and confiscatory measures. In fact, yesterday, the officers of the Commissioner’s Office also executed the preventive seizure order issued by the Busto Arsizio GIP, “freezing” all the bank accounts held by the suspect, up to the amount of the wrongfully misappropriated sum.

Computer searches

In order to gather further evidence regarding the suspect’s criminally relevant conduct, mainly aimed at investigating the further transfer to the cryptocurrency investment platform, during the entire day yesterday, the investigative section of the Commissioner’s Office, supported by expert computer technicians in the field, carried out a series of personal, home and computer searches in the province of Varese and in the city of Rome, with the assistance of personnel from the Appio Nuovo Sectional Commissioner’s Office, acquiring accounting documentation and computer equipment that will be subject to further specific investigations.

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