SARONNO – “The Administration presented, yesterday afternoon with a note on social media, the opening of the underpass in via Milano. But are we sure it’s necessary to talk about it? Or rather, if we have to talk about it, let’s do it with a minimum of sincerity.”
This is how the note by Gianpietro Guaglianone, leader of Fratelli d’Italia, begins regarding the renovated underpass in via Milano.
“Yesterday I read the Municipality’s intervention and decided to go and see the innovative and renovated new underpass, opened just in time for the period of commemorations of the deceased. What a disappointment! The painting isn’t even finished (and there are still sheets on the ground and a can of paint that says a lot) but where is the nice signage, the colored arches, and the reflective touches? Ah yes, it says they will arrive. But when? Also because the underpass has been open for several weeks now and not exactly to the satisfaction of the users.”
“During my visit, in fact, I met – continues the leader – some elderly people to whom I asked how they found the new path. They explained to me that the steps were more comfortable and that now bikes and even some scooters whiz by “which is scary …”.
And he concludes: “So the enthusiastic note from the municipality presents a work that is not finished, which is opened without horizontal and vertical signage (I imagine the handrails are also missing but no one talks about it). I would like to remind you that the construction site opened a year ago, in November 2022 (the project was presented in August 2021) with the felling of 8 horse chestnut trees. So a year of inconvenience (for a long time it was unusable and users had to use the small sidewalk in the car underpass) and construction site for a less functional work for the weaker users of the underpass, namely pedestrians. It is enough to say that even now, on the eve of the period of commemorations of the deceased, there are no elements that guarantee its safety”.

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