Corona (Pavia), 27 ottobre 2023 – “In these poor countries there are extraordinary people that God has purposely placed. Enrica was one of these. Where there was a tear to dry and especially hard work to do, they called Enrica”.
Deacon Gianni Ottoboni, collaborator of the parish priest of Corona, Don Maurizio Ceriani, used these words at the funeral celebration of Enrica Bensi, the 86-year-old woman who was killed last Saturday by a pitbull that escaped from the gate of a house on Vittorio Emanuele Street, in the Ghiaie fraction of Corana. “Enrica was an angel dressed as a woman,” added the celebrant, a friend of the family, addressing the elderly woman’s son, “She did not leave you alone, Roberto. At home, you will no longer find a ready lunch, you will not be able to stop and discuss with her, but you will discover how the mothers in heaven speak to us inside and you will be surprised not to do certain things because she would not be happy about it and to do others that would make her happy. And you have many friends around you who love you”.
After the autopsy performed at the Institute of Legal Medicine, the body was returned to the family and the funeral was celebrated in a packed church. Many people were moved by the tragedy. The elderly woman, while walking, was attacked by the dog that escaped from a gate opened by a 74-year-old retiree. The pitbull knocked the elderly woman to the ground and ferociously bit her leg and neck. The emergency services immediately intervened, but there was nothing they could do. The 86-year-old woman bled to death. Three people are being investigated by the Prosecutor’s Office: the hypothesis of the crime is manslaughter.

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