CITTIGLIO – “I had exaggerated with alcohol and drugs, I don’t remember what happened. I had never experienced such a memory gap before.”

In front of the judges of the Varese court this morning, Tuesday, November 7th, the 29-year-old, who has been in prison since last March, testified on the charge of attempting to suffocate his step-aunt using a cloth soaked in ammonia. Regarding his responsibility for the serious events he is accused of, the young man – defended by lawyers Corrado Viazzo and Valentina Commisso – spoke of a total blackout due to drug abuse.

A bedroom assault

This blackout now prevents him from reconstructing exactly what happened, which occurred in the early morning of March 10th in the bedroom of the forty-year-old woman who was hosting the young man at that time. She managed to free herself from her attacker after a brief struggle, and then ran to ask for help from her neighbor and called her close relatives and her partner, who had left for work shortly before.

The woman, who has become a civil party and is assisted in the proceedings by lawyer Simona Ronchi, confirmed everything in a previous hearing, and is still undergoing therapy with a psychologist to deal with the consequences of the terrible experience.

Confused memories, on the other hand, as mentioned, from the current defendant. “Could you have committed the act?” lawyer Ronchi asked him. “I hope not,” he replied. On March 10th, he had called the carabinieri himself, asking to be arrested out of fear of becoming dangerous again due to his condition. And he was found on the street by the military. Ready to be taken away.

In front of the examining magistrate

In front of the examining magistrate, the 29-year-old had talked about the dynamics of the assault. The prosecutor reminded him of this during the hearing. “I repeated what I had been told, but I wasn’t myself,” replied the accused, whose memories would stop at the night between March 9th and 10th, spent at the forty-year-old woman’s house, getting drunk on alcohol and cocaine. Then total darkness.

The path with the Sert

“But I’m not a drug addict,” added the young man in his testimony, during which he also spoke about the path he is taking with the Sert (Drug Addiction Services) to change his life: “I don’t want anything to do with drugs anymore, I just want to focus on raising my daughter.”

Tension outside the courtroom

The girl was born while the 29-year-old was already in prison for attempted murder. After witnessing today’s hearing, the mother of the little girl had a heated argument outside the courtroom with the victim. A brief but lively verbal exchange stifled by the intervention of lawyers and relatives.


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