Violence against women: Como has the highest rate of abuse in Lombardy

Recent data has revealed a shocking reality: Como has the highest rate of abuse against women in Lombardy, second only to Milan. Every month, there are 35 reports of stalking, revenge porn, violence, and mistreatment. This alarming statistic highlights the tragic relevance of the issue of violence against women.

In 1983, a total of 7 cases of sexual violence were reported in the province of Como. Of course, one could argue that times were different back then, and many abuses were classified under different categories or not reported at all. An increase in these numbers would be expected. However, the increase has been an astonishing one thousand percent. Last year, there were 79 reported cases of sexual violence in Como.

Numbers, as we know, only provide an indication and do not tell the stories behind them. But when the data is so striking, it is important not to ignore it. Instead, we should use it as a starting point for deep reflection, especially in light of the recent events that fill the pages of the news, such as the acid attack that occurred yesterday afternoon in Erba.

According to Istat data, Como has the highest rate of sexual violence in Lombardy, after Milan. In 2022, there were 13.3 reported cases of sexual abuse per 100,000 inhabitants in Como. This is slightly higher than the Lombardy average of 13.1 and significantly higher than the Italian average of 10.7. Only Milan has a higher rate than Como, with 18.2 cases per 100,000 residents. In absolute values, there were 79 reports of sexual violence in Como. Just ten years ago, this number was less than half.

Since the introduction of the “red code” in 2019, a faster procedure for crimes against vulnerable individuals such as sexual violence, stalking, mistreatment, revenge porn, disfigurement through permanent injuries, and forced or induced marriages, Istat has also started monitoring all crimes related to violence against women.

There has also been an increase in reports of stalking, resulting in a higher number of cases in the Prosecutor’s Office. The number of stalking cases has increased from 86 in 2018 to 124 in 2021 (the latest year available from Istat), representing a 44% increase. The incidence is 21 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The increase in cases of domestic abuse has been less pronounced, with a 23% increase and 191 formal complaints in 2021.

The number of cases of revenge porn, the illicit dissemination of sexually explicit images or videos, has dramatically increased in percentage terms, although the absolute numbers are still relatively low. From 2019 to 2021, there was a 360% increase, from 3 reports in the year the crime was formally introduced to 14 cases in the last year considered by the Italian Institute of Statistics.

Regarding national data, Lombardy is not the region with the highest incidence of reported cases of sexual violence. Liguria ranks first, followed by Emilia Romagna, Trentino Alto Adige, and Lombardy in fourth place. The region with the highest number of reports of domestic abuse is Sicily, followed by Campania and Lazio (Lombardy ranks thirteenth). The same goes for stalking cases, with Sicily in first place, followed by Campania and Puglia (Lombardy ranks sixteenth). Finally, in terms of revenge porn cases, Valle d’Aosta ranks first, followed by Trentino.

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Articolo successivoErba: giovane arrestato per sfregiare ex con acido muriatico


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