Malpensa (Varese) – Coca from Ecuador directly to Cargo City hidden in the bottom of a pot. The experience of the military allowed them to notice a perfect hidden compartment between the cooking part and the pan containing the drugs. With the authorization of the Judicial Authority of Busto Arsizio, the Finance Police carried out “special operations” aimed at acquiring further evidence and facts useful for identifying those responsible for drug trafficking, identifying the real recipient of the shipment, which was delivered to Cupra Marittima.

In addition to the seizure of the cargo, they followed its destination by entering the home of a 47-year-old woman residing in Cupra Marittima in the province of Ascoli Piceno. Hashish, a precision scale, and two cell phones were found in the arrested woman’s home, which were seized by the police. The Judge of Fermo validated the arrest made by the Finance Police, also ordering the precautionary measure of imprisonment for the suspect.

This operation, carried out through constant economic-financial control of the territory by the Finance Police, demonstrates how the Corps plays a fundamental role in combating all forms of illicit trafficking, including international drug trafficking, by preventing the supply of a large quantity of cocaine to the pushers, who would have then distributed at least 6,000 doses to young people in drug dealing areas, for an estimated illicit profit of at least 300,000 euros.

Articolo precedenteProcesso per l’omicidio di Ouadia Bouda a Rescaldina
Articolo successivoMalpensa: arrestata donna di Cupra Marittima per traffico internazionale di droga


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