SARONNO – “No to the antenna”: after the rejection of the Administrative Court, a warning is coming to Saronno and Vodafone regarding the installation. “No to the antenna”: after the rejection of the Administrative Court, a warning is coming to Saronno and Vodafone regarding the installation. First, the blessing of the facade, recently renovated due to weather damage and the passing of the years, then the mass and the closing ceremony of the jubilee year. Thus, yesterday, Monday, December 7th, Archbishop Mario Delpini closed the holy door opened for the jubilee year, a moment of prayer and sharing organized on the occasion of the 525th anniversary of the laying of the first stone of the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of Miracles in Saronno.

Saronno, Delpini closes the holy door of the Sanctuary’s jubilee year

Road accident in the late afternoon yesterday in front of the central train station of Saronno in Piazza Cadorna. The alarm was raised at 6 pm, as a pedestrian was hit and a patrol of the local police arrived at the scene, along with an ambulance from Sos Uboldo.

Saronno, pedestrian hit in front of the central station

Carabinieri from the Mozzate station, as part of the anti-drug operations that continue throughout their jurisdiction in wooded and urban areas, with the support of the Carabinieri Squadron “Sicilia”, recently carried out the decontamination of about ten hectares of forest and dismantled a pusher’s camp, in an area located between the outskirts of Mozzate near Via dei Prati Vigani and where the Pedemontana Motorway passes.

Carabinieri in the woods next to Pedemontana against drug dealing

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Articolo precedenteIl tifoso bergamasco Claudio Galimberti: la sua storia di passione e redenzione a Bergamo
Articolo successivoAddio a monsignor Luigi Bavera, il sacerdote saronnese che ha dedicato la sua vita al servizio religioso


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