A Cassano Magnago, the school holidays last longer, at least in two schools: Dante primary school and Orlandi middle school. The lessons ended on Thursday 20th, due to two breakdowns that blocked the heating system of the two buildings.

The stop was even ordered by the mayor, who acknowledged that “the complicated maintenance intervention planned cannot be carried out properly with the desired speed” and that on the other hand “alternative solutions to heat the building have not been successful.”

“At Dante, there is a problem with the boiler, which is now in its final stages and needs to be replaced.” For now, the aim is to solve the immediate problem, but “the parts were missing,” explains the councilor for public works, Rocco Dabraio. “The intervention should be completed in the next few days.”

As for Ismaele Orlandi middle school, the problem is “a damaged gas pipe,” from the branching unit to the boiler. In this case too, the intervention was not possible immediately but will require a few more days. In any case, the students will return to class after Epiphany, regularly, as assured by the municipality.

There have never been a lack of problems in Cassano schools, although important renovation works have been carried out over time, including an almost complete reconstruction of Orlandi, started in 2016, to eliminate asbestos-containing fibercement walls (the school was once largely made of asbestos).

There will also be interventions in the coming months, which can also be carried out with the schools open: “After Christmas, we will proceed with the replacement of the roof of Parini, which was starting to show signs of aging,” Dabraio explains. “While we have recently finished works on the roof of Maino, where there had been some water infiltrations.”

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