GALLARATE – Gallarate invests in Security: the Municipality allocates more funds to support the men of the Local Police command. And over 100,000 euros will be allocated between 2024 and 2026 to equip the agents on duty. The most important item concerns the payment of hours worked by staff on the territory for surveillance and security services: the 110,000 euros invested in 2023 will become 130,000 next year and 150,000 in 2025-26.

The investments

In detail: only for 2024, for the chapter “Local Police Equipment – financed with the proceeds of the highway code”, an increase of 30,000 euros has been planned for a total amount of 45,000 euros. (15,000 euros were planned for 2023). This increase will finance the replacement of the SOS columns in four public parks and the purchase of equipment necessary for the activity of the Command, such as portable cameras and breathalyzer tests.

New hirings

An increase has also been planned (in the three-year period 2024-2026) for the chapter dedicated to the supply of uniforms and accessories for Local Police officers and agents (from 25,000.00 to 35,000 euros). This change was conceived taking into account the new hirings made at the end of 2023 (three agents hired) and those that will take place in 2024 (at least 2); it should also be considered that there is a need to ensure a larger budget for the three-year period, in order to guarantee a more constant replacement of clothing items subject to wear and tear. Another increase has also been planned for the expense chapter (in the three-year period 2024-2026) (always funded by the highway code) from 6,000 to 9,000 euros for the implementation of road safety courses in schools and for those for license point recovery.


An increase of 15,000 to 20,000 euros is instead planned (in the three-year period 2024-2026) for training and updating expenses for staff. Essential item, that of training, to maintain levels of competence and professionalism in line with frequent regulatory changes.

Finally, an important increase is recorded in the expense chapter (also financed with the proceeds of the highway code – in 2023 there were 110,000 euros) for the payment of hours worked by staff on the territory for surveillance and security services. (130,000 euros have been planned for 2024 while 150,000 euros for 2025/2026).

Gallarate security local police – MALPENSA24

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