Operazione Mato Grosso: Donating to Support Missions in Latin America

Over a hundred young volunteers from Operazione Mato Grosso, coming from different regions, will collect objects and clothes, select them, resell them, and use the proceeds to finance their missions in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Brazil. The protagonists of this initiative will participate in a work camp organized in Usmate Velate from January 2nd to 5th. From there, they will divide and cover a much larger territory.

Operazione Mato Grosso: Collection Points for Donations

They will knock on the doors of houses in Arcore, Brugherio, Villasanta, Sovico, and Casatenovo to collect everything that can have a “New life,” as they have renamed the project. Additionally, anyone can deliver the material to the collection points active on January 2nd and 3rd in Piazza Europa in Villasanta, on the 3rd at the oratory of Bernate in Piazza Papa Luciani in Arcore, on the 3rd and 4th at the Cremonesi sports center in Via XXV Aprile in Brugherio, on the 4th and 5th in Piazza Fretta in Sovico, and in Villa Facchi, in Via Puecher, in Casatenovo.

Operazione Mato Grosso: Volunteers Knocking on Doors in Arcore, Brugherio, Villasanta, and Sovico

Everyone can collaborate not only by donating clothes and objects in good condition that may be destined to remain in closets and drawers but also by purchasing the items displayed on the vintage stalls set up during the collection days in Sovico, in Piazza Mazzini in Casatenovo, and from 10 am to 12 pm in Piazza Pertini in Arcore.

The volunteers will collect not only clothes and shoes for children and adults, both summer and winter, but also bags, belts, various accessories, books, toys, linens, tents, sheets, small objects, plates, and tableware. However, they will not collect large furniture, cushions, carpets, fabric scraps, and balls of yarn. Everything that is not exhibited will be taken to the “Used Cart” in Agrate, the market in Via Artigianato open every Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm, which will exceptionally operate from Thursday 4th to Saturday 6th from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. In this place, many objects find new life and allow the volunteers of Mato Grosso, the organization founded in 1967 by Don Ugo De Censi, present in Brianza with about ten groups, to support the initiatives promoted in Latin America.

Operazione Mato Grosso: Maintenance of Green Areas Next Week

Next week, the participants in the camp will also be engaged in other activities, including the maintenance of green areas, and will welcome seven young people who have spent six months in Peru and some families who have settled on a mission, returning for a short period, who will share their experiences. “We will involve different cities in the collection to make ourselves better known,” explains Anna, a volunteer. “Anyone interested in learning more about our projects can invite one of us for lunch on Epiphany day.”

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Articolo successivoDonne di Monza: storie di maltrattamento e discriminazione


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