La scelta dopo l’arresto nel mese di ottobre

Legnano – Aggressions passers-by without any apparent reason, shouting with the Quran: “I am a soldier of Allah, the others are all soldiers of the devil.” He was expelled on the afternoon of Wednesday, January 3rd, the 33-year-old Egyptian, arrested on October 14th for injuries with the purpose of racial discrimination.
On October 14th, around 2:30 pm, as stated in a note from the Police Headquarters, the patrol officers were sent by the Operational Center of the Milan Police Headquarters to Viale Monza where a man, wearing a gray tunic, was reported to be attacking passers-by without any apparent reason. Just a few days after the serious incidents in Israel, with particular attention to the control of the territory, the policemen immediately arrived at the intersection between Viale Monza and Via Vipacco, where they saw and immediately blocked the 33-year-old man who was holding the Quran, thus preventing any worse consequences: loaded into the patrol car, he continued to shout at the officers “you are unbelievers, Jews, you must answer to God” in a state of agitation.
Immediately afterwards, the policemen were approached by some people who reported being attacked by the man who was stopped: among them a 44-year-old Ecuadorian citizen who, while walking along Via Pindaro towards Viale Monza, was approached by the Egyptian man who asked him for a lighter for his cigarette; after receiving a negative response, the 33-year-old man grabbed him from behind, grabbing his backpack and causing him to fall heavily on the pavement, then dragging him for a few meters before hitting him with kicks and punches, repeatedly shouting in both Italian and Arabic ALLAH IS GREAT, TODAY EVERYONE WILL DIE, ALLAH AKBAR. The victim, in an attempt to defend himself, was also bitten on the hand and head before being rescued by a person who had witnessed the scene.
The arrested man, who had also attacked two other citizens on that occasion, after spitting towards the officers and attempting to repeatedly hit the rear headrest and the plexiglass partition of the patrol car with his head, was taken by ambulance – by healthcare workers whom he defined as INFIDELS – to the Policlinico hospital in a highly agitated state where, after a psychiatric consultation, he was found to have “a monothematic orientation of hostility towards the West.”
The officers of the Milan DIGOS also carried out a home search in Legnano at the 33-year-old man’s place of residence, which, according to a database check, was found to have previous police records such as, among others, detention for association with a criminal organization aimed at facilitating illegal immigration.
On December 30th, the preventive measure of imprisonment at San Vittore, where the 33-year-old Egyptian man was located, was replaced with a ban on residing in the municipality of Milan and the aggressor was placed at the disposal of the Immigration Office of the Police Headquarters, which yesterday afternoon arranged for his repatriation to Egypt.
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