Bergamo, 4 gennaio 2024 – Following the pain and outrage caused by the femicide of Giulia Cecchettin, the “Bergamo Network against Gender Violence” was born: a spontaneous network that informally came together during the demonstration held on November 24th in the city, which was attended by over 5,000 people.

The Bergamo Network
The Network now officially presents itself to the community: an informal and flexible organization, without signatures or acronyms, which sees the collaboration of all the territorial organizations that are already working on the issue of violence against women and gender, including associations and groups, as well as many individuals determined to engage in the fight against systemic and widespread violence worldwide, in Italy and even in our cities and province.

Femicides and gender violence in Italy
There were 113 femicides in Italy in 2023: 113 women killed by male violence. The term “femicide” does not indicate who is killed but the reason why she is killed, it means that women are killed precisely because they are women. Therefore, the femicide loses possession and control over a woman’s life.

In addition to femicides, which are just the tip of the iceberg of a violent and patriarchal culture that manifests itself in many ways, there are numerous cases of gender violence, both direct and indirect: physical, psychological, and economic violence. Violence that occurs within the home, in intimate relationships, in the workplace, on the streets, through forms of information, communication, and representation that do not respect subjectivity, as well as within institutions and hospitals, where the right to abortion is not guaranteed, thus denying women the freedom to choose what happens to their bodies, due to misinformation about services and procedures, as well as the high number of conscientious objector doctors.

Numbers in the province of Bergamo
Even in Bergamo and its province, there are many cases of harassment and discrimination: different forms of violence that respond to the cultural origin we call “patriarchy”, based on oppression as a tool for personal and non-personal relationships, of which war is the ultimate and degenerate expression. In 2023 alone, the Anti-Violence Centers in Bergamo and its province received over 1,160 requests for help. Unfortunately, statistics prove that only a small part of those who suffer violence have the courage to speak out or report it.

Training and education
There is still much to be done in various public sectors, both in terms of training and education on affectivity, and in terms of increasing the tools and awareness of the operators who are called to act. First and foremost, law enforcement and the judicial system, which too often still underestimate and inadequately support those who report (as demonstrated by the recent case of Vanessa Ballan, killed by her already reported stalker), thus discouraging legal actions by those in need of protection.

Bergamo, in the square every 8th of the month
Starting from Monday, January 8th, the Bergamo Network against Gender Violence will be in the square every month, with a fixed presence on the 8th of each month, at 6 pm in Largo Rezzara (Piazza Pontida): we will occupy public space regularly and tirelessly, to denounce, inform, and gather new people who are interested in discovering new ways of thinking and relating, as well as reinforcing a useful and necessary commitment for society as a whole. To demand rights, respect, and dignity for those who have no voice but should have one.

After the outcry caused by the case of Giulia Cecchettin and the courageous commitment of her family, requests for help from victims of violence have increased throughout Italy. We will be in the square every month for this reason as well: to say “you are not alone”, “sisters, we believe you”, “we will support you if you choose to speak out or report”. Escaping violence is possible and, in our own small way, with this presence, we intend to convey strength and support to those who suffer in silence. Together, we can.


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