CASORATE SEMPIONE – “A sterile controversy, made without knowing the reality and without having asked for a confrontation to know the real needs of the local police.” This is what Commander Antonino Tomaselli says, who has been in service in Casorate Sempione and Arsago Seprio for only three weeks. But he has already been called upon to “clarify” the situation. The reference is to the recent statements by opposition councilor Gianluigi Poli (Casorate Aperta), who emphasized that “there is no control over the behavior of motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians.”

Working in safety

The response is not long in coming. “The accusations made are not fair,” says the commander of the local police. “I have just arrived and there are organizational problems that concern the need to obtain the necessary authorizations from other entities to be able to operate.” In fact, he explains, “road police checks must be carried out with all the necessary safety measures. I have just started my service and now we have to wait for the prefecture to issue the act of decree of public safety necessary to arm the agents.” In other words, “without this document, activities cannot be carried out while being protected.” That’s why “all controls, following the programming, will start regularly as soon as the permits are issued. In the meantime, we are already doing various rounds in the village, even on foot.”

“Irresponsible statements”

Currently, Tomaselli specifies, “the staff consists of six agents, three in Casorate and three in Arsago.” To which the officer, that is the commander himself, is added. He invites “the whole community and the various representatives of associations, as well as institutions, to discuss the problems in the offices or using official channels. Or even in the council chamber, I will be available to respond to various requests.” For Mayor Dimitri Cassani, Poli’s statements are “irresponsible and unsubstantiated: they do not even correspond to the truth.” And he adds: “The agents are always around, both to prevent and to sanction. Because it is also a priority for me, to accompany the office activities that are essential.”

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