SOMMA LOMBARDO – “He may be in compliance with the law, but Andrea Volpe has not paid the debt he owes to the families.” Exactly twenty years have passed – it was January 24, 2004 – since the murder of Mariangela Pezzotta, but for a father it is impossible to forget. Silvio Pezzotta’s daughter was killed in Golasecca by Andrea Volpe, Nicola Sapone, and Elisabetta Ballarin in the chalet of horrors. That day the world met the Beasts of Satan.

The special on M24

Twenty years later, we present again the special by Malpensa24 Web Tv recorded in 2023. In the studio, with journalists Simona Carnaghi and Gabriele Moroni, there is also criminologist Francesco Esposito, Silvio Pezzotta, and Michele Tollis, the father of another victim of the sect, Fabio Tollis, who was killed and buried in the woods of Somma Lombardo along with his girlfriend Chiara Marino. Of the Beasts of Satan, today only two are still in prison. For many of them, the times of justice have been much faster than memory. Watch the video:

Beasts of Satan TV – MALPENSA24

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