“Domenichini Sergio, accused of the murder of Carmela Fabozzi, the pensioner killed in her apartment in Malnate on July 22, 2022, gave his personal details while speaking into the microphone of the prisoner’s cage in the bunker courtroom of the Varese court, and then began to recount how things went that summer morning two years ago.
“I was supposed to meet Mrs. Carmela, I arrived on the landing of her house, I rang the doorbell, no one answered. I asked a neighbor, then I rang again. Since she didn’t answer, I opened the door.”
The door was not locked, and at this point in the reconstruction, the defendant’s voice began to tremble: “I took a few steps inside and found her on the floor in a pool of blood,” said Domenichini, in tears, speaking of the pensioner’s body, lying on the floor. “I took her hand, called her, she didn’t respond.”
Next to the corpse, the large blue glass vase, stained with blood, on which the fingerprints of the man on trial today were isolated. The vase was viewed in the courtroom at the request of lawyer Francesca Cerri, Domenichini’s defense attorney, who had previously commented on some alleged inconsistencies between the way the object was described in court by the Ris of Parma and the description of the vase contained in the technical report of the carabinieri themselves. Details that will probably be rearranged, in a defensive key, during the discussion scheduled for February 14. For the prosecution, that vase was used by the killer to violently hit the poor pensioner on the head, attacked near the entrance door and immediately after on the ground. Nine blows were inflicted to the head. She had no chance.

According to his version, the defendant would have moved the vase before moving around the house in search of someone: “But there was no one at home. Then I saw the two cell phones of the lady,” Domenichini added, “and since I had called her, I thought of taking them away. At that moment, I feared for my previous criminal record.” The phones would later be thrown into the Olona River, and it would be Domenichini himself, after his arrest, who would have them found by the carabinieri.
In his spontaneous statements to the court, the 67-year-old also spoke about what happened after the discovery of the corpse. According to the investigators, Domenichini, still covered in blood, went to a Compro Oro in Varese to sell the jewelry taken from the victim’s home and get the money – about 1,000 euros – to go to the seaside with his partner.
“I brought an old bracelet of my mother’s to the Compro Oro, which I kept in the garage,” said the man, who also gave an explanation for the “change of shirt” captured on the cameras of Malnate and Varese on July 22, 2022, which traced all the movements of the rental car, the day before the crime, by the alleged killer. “I got dirty drinking coffee at the bar,” Domenichini said, “and that’s why, before going to Mrs. Carmela’s, I went to the Varese market to buy a new shirt.” In the images from that morning, Domenichini is wearing a blue shirt; in the noon ones, he is wearing a lighter one. According to the prosecution, at noon Carmela Fabozzi has already been dead for at least two hours, and her killer is returning to the courtyard house on via Sanvito, the scene of the murder, to stage the appointment with the victim.”

Articolo precedenteIl tentativo di incendio a Luino: un debito che rischia di diventare tragedia
Articolo successivoAddio ad Andrea Bossi: i funerali del giovane assassinato a Cairate


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