Carolina Toia, leader of the Lega Salvini Premier group in the city council of Legnano

LEGnano – We were convinced it would be a moment of joy, the first city council meeting after the court ruling, an occasion to celebrate the triumph of truth. Instead, once again, resentment has prevailed.

We had to witness the petty remarks of those who cannot accept it. The castle of accusations has miserably collapsed. The Fratus administration, without the judicial measures, would still be in place.

In the council, the same clichés

We went to the city council out of pride and a sense of justice, we never lowered our heads, we were always present, in the square, on every occasion, convinced that it was mud born out of the political strategies of those who, too often, are supported by certain judiciary. The people of Legnano understood, and above all, they are daily evaluating how disastrous this mandate is. Many testify their regret for not having trusted us, obviously influenced by the echo of the scandal.

We have been accused of wanting to intimidate the city council, strangely we have not been accused of fascist aggression. The same clichés are always brought up, for those who have no arguments, we recommend silence.

Meanwhile, the city is prey to insecurity

We believe it would be more appropriate to dedicate attention and energy to what is happening in the city rather than insisting on arrogantly defending one’s legitimacy. Unopposed reign of delinquency, gangs of bullies who dominate, this is what intimidates decent people. Not a day goes by without serious and worrying incidents being recorded, to which the administration seems to not give importance. Thefts, break-ins in shops, pickpocketing, acts of vulgar vandalism follow one another, creating a real climate of fear.

Fratus is innocent, the price paid is very high but the future is smiling at us. The city of Legnano can hope again.

Lega Legnano – Salvini Premier

Articolo precedenteNuova organizzazione dei pronto soccorso a Varese
Articolo successivoLega Legnano: la città che torna a sperare


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