CAIRATE – “The robbery of the prostitute was a stupid act done by foolish boys. They wanted to take her money and she threw her purse at them. The others moved away a few meters, Douglas went back to her to return the purse. At that point the police arrived.” Speaking, a guest with her husband on Myrta Merlino’s show, in today’s episode of Pomeriggio5 aired on Canale5, is Daniela, the mother of Douglas Carolo, 21 years old, from Samarate, arrested together with Michele Caglioni, 20 years old, from Cassano Magnago, for the murder of Andrea Bossi. For the parents, the boy would be incapable of harming others. And the minor previous incidents are not enough to justify a murder charge.

Our son is innocent

Bossi was killed with a knife wound to the throat on the night between 26 and 27 January in his home on via Mascheroni in Cairate. Carolo, initially, had told his defense lawyers that he was not even present at the time of the murder, that he was elsewhere at a friend’s house. With the examining magistrate, he invoked the right to remain silent. Caglioni, on the other hand, during questioning, reportedly said he had accompanied Carolo to via Mascheroni on a scooter in exchange for a couple of joints and had stayed outside the apartment. He claimed to have only seen Bossi afterwards, dead on the ground. The boy, as his mother also repeated, would have been threatened and, out of fear, would have kept quiet about the incident for a month.

They exchanged clothes

Investigators have several images recorded from cameras. But today Carolo’s mother told Merlino: “Nowadays the trend among boys is to exchange clothes, hoodies, pants, shoes, cell phones, so it could be anyone wearing my son’s hoodie.” The camera footage would not be the only evidence in the possession of the carabinieri, as the findings from the Ris in Parma and the autopsy report will be very important. While the murder weapon has not yet been found.


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