Legnano – Driiiin: “Mayor, the situation is out of control, now even the press sees the danger in the city”. What to do? Very simple: organize a party event, to say that it is not just a perception but come on, in the end Legnano is on par with other disastrous cities; give an inclusive name to an empty project sponsored by the council like: Legnano Safe; congratulate yourself on the choice of the project name and emphasize that “sicura” is also “si cura”, after all in a world where clothes make the monk, why aim for substance when there is already appearance?; shift the blame to the Local Police and the Albatros cooperative, reminding that the real villains are in government and do not care enough about public safety.

Let’s give things their true name

And no! Enough now. If a minor uses (and abuses) alcohol after school in Falcone Borsellino park (in the photo above) and at Gallerie Cantoni in the afternoon there is talk of annoying drunkenness; if he uses (and abuses) drugs it is said that he deals or consumes drugs; if he vandalizes urban furniture he is a vandal.

Let’s remind the mayor that it would be enough to apply some articles of the urban police regulations, to give a significant contrast to all those acts of disturbance to the serenity of the people of Legnano.

Two-faced legality

Let’s also say enough to the bad habit of generalizing and minimizing when serious events occur, enough to turn a blind eye or even two; better yet, to rise as champions of legality, erecting banners at Palazzo Malinverni, with obvious slogans such as “Legnano is against the mafia” and then signing letters of solidarity towards dubious political figures, who should immediately clarify some significant events out of respect for the State, the law and Italian citizens.

No more impunity.

Brothers of Italy Legnano Circle Carlo Borsani

legnano security fdi pd – MALPENSA24

Articolo precedenteMisterioso colpo di arma a Varese
Articolo successivoOperazione sgombero: Gallarate libera da insediamenti abusivi


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