SARONNO – “A matter of civilization and education. Once again, degradation is the work of a few: no illegal dumping, but a tasteless prank.” This is how the Administration responds with a post on its Facebook page to the citizens who complained on Friday morning about the presence of clothes and boxes between Piazza De Gasperi and Piazza La Malfa. “The security cameras of the Administration have captured and filmed them on the night of Thursday 29th while they were destroying various boxes ready for collection by environmental operators the following morning and spreading their contents far and wide. Two young boys are guilty of a crime, first and foremost towards the people of Saronno. We invite them to report to the local police station as soon as possible for clarification”.

A message that did not go unnoticed by the residents who made several reports to the municipal office for the cleaning of the arcades: “We thank the local police for taking action first for the cleaning and then for trying to understand what had happened. We hope that similar incidents do not happen again and above all that the reports can be made more easily since our attempts to alert the municipal offices, before calling the police command, have not yielded results”.

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