Giussano – Incredulity, fear and many damages that are still to be calculated today. The whole city of Giussano, the day after the downpour that unleashed in the early morning of Tuesday, wonders if it was a bad dream.

Each resident has something to tell in what looks like a scene from an apocalyptic movie. “In Robbiano, via Furlanelli flooded at the intersection with Viale Monza,” reports a citizen by posting a photo on Facebook. A car traveling with water at the height of the door and, ironically, in front of it a billboard for the sale of an advertising space with the words “Fatevi vedere” (Show yourself).

“Flooded the ground floor of the first houses – adds the lady – the water came out of the shower and toilet due to the sewer blockage.” It is just one of the many testimonies of a nightmare awakening.

Yesterday, Mayor Marco Citterio also spoke to underline the emergency situation, with damages also caused to the town hall and offices that inevitably remained closed. However, the high water affected everyone: from companies to private homes. Many fire brigade interventions, who have worked for a long time to help families and struggling entrepreneurs. Along with them, an army of volunteers: many citizens who rolled up their sleeves, even if they did not suffer direct damages, to help others. The functioning of the civil protection system is also commendable: the volunteers from Giussano sounded the alarm, in no time reinforcements arrived in the city from the groups of Monza, Verano Brianza, Carate Brianza, Macherio, Veduggio con Colzano, Vimercate.

Giussano was the city most affected by the bad weather and, for everyone, it was the priority to tackle as a team. Despite such a deployment of forces, rescue operations lasted for hours, so much water had poured into the city.

The most powerful water pumps were concentrated at the town hall: in the evening, the volunteers dedicated themselves to the needs of private individuals. In particular, given the second storm coming, sandbags were used to protect buildings.

For once, after the damage suffered, even the clouds were frightening. However, the second water discharge was less important than the downpour: this time, the bad weather was more violent in Milan and in the lower part of the province of Monza and Brianza. After the second storm, everyone went back to work on Wednesday. The municipality, after recovering its functionality, opened the ecological platform to allow all citizens and businesses to dispose of damaged furniture. Meanwhile, Viale Monza is the most photographed street of the moment: the raised asphalt after the downpour is clearly visible. Everything is impressive like in a movie, but what appears before the eyes this time is terribly real.


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