SARONNO – “One of the definitely positive aspects of the new Pgtu of Saronno is the collection of data that allows us to reason about mobility in our city based on objective information,” begins the new statement from Fiab Saronno on the Pgtu. In recent days, the association has been carrying out a series of interventions in which it presents its proposals to improve the city’s traffic: HERE IS THE PROPOSAL FOR A “DUTCH-STYLE” SARONNO, HERE IS THE PROPOSAL FOR A SARONNO AT 30 KM/H, HERE IS THE PROPOSAL FOR A DIFFERENT METHOD OF ANALYSIS.

Sisplan, the company commissioned by the municipal administration for the drafting of the Pgtu, has collected data for about a year and a half, integrating them with already known information that has been included in the documents made public online. Therefore, all citizens can now consult important information such as accident rates, the number of circulating vehicles, the type of traffic and its flow, the time slots in which Saronno’s streets become more unlivable, and the level of traffic present on each road depending on the time. This information allows us to get a precise idea of the current state and to understand which are the critical areas that need intervention.

On the “how,” however, there are certainly different opinions, because according to Fiab, the situation in Saronno cannot improve without decisions that limit the presence of cars on the streets, prioritizing and ensuring greater safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and public transportation.

(photo of data regarding the circulating vehicles in Saronno, from the Fiab Saronno page)

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