CISLAGO – Dissuasive devices for wildlife, a wetland area, and tree rows are three elements of the intervention network created with the Olona System project in the municipality of Cislago, curated by Ate, the Insubria Olona Ecosystem Environmental Area and the Rugareto Forest Plis.
The dissuasive system consists of placing reflective devices to deter wildlife at the north and south entrances of the park: these systems are particularly useful on roads with lower traffic intensity, while the installation of fences would strengthen the barrier effect for animals at the roadside. According to data reported by the Local Police of Cislago, all road accidents are related to the presence of deer and wild boars: therefore, optical deterrents have been positioned at specific heights for these two species. The deterrents have been fixed to the guardrail and, by reflecting the light from the headlights of vehicles, which is deflected towards the outside of the roadway, they generate flashes of light that deter animals from crossing the road.
(photo: a road accident caused by deer crossing in the area)


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