SARONNO – “Enough now! After two stabbings witnessed in our city yesterday, tonight another act of crime in the city center. Seeing scared boys and girls and women crying out of tension, in a surreal atmosphere between ambulances and carabinieri patrols, can no longer be accepted.”
This is the harsh note written in the middle of the night by the councilor, leader of Obiettivo Saronno, Luca Amadio, commenting on the eventful episode that took place in the city center last night.
“In the Electoral Program, the Mayor introduced the section ‘Security and Livability’, stating that ‘we feel safe when we can live in the city with confidence.’ After three years of administration, can citizens say they feel safe? Why is the security commission never convened? Why doesn’t the local police oversee the most at-risk areas of the city more? Why is the security issue not addressed effectively? Why are citizens forced to walk without visible watches or necklaces? Why should we be afraid to go out after a certain time? Why can’t businesses operate peacefully?”
And he concludes: “Saronno must no longer be a land conquered by crime! What I saw tonight does not honor anything or anyone. I hope the administration takes this issue seriously before it’s too late… then I think they voted for the introduction of the tourist tax and hopes vanish into thin air…”.

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Articolo precedenteAlessandro Merlotti ripulisce l’asfalto insanguinato di Saronno
Articolo successivoNotte movimentata a Varese: sbronze e violenza scuotono la provincia


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