FAGNANO OLONA – “Andrea, I am speechless. I found out recently and I still can’t believe it. You were one of my best students because of your generosity, kindness, and goodness. I remember your interventions, your always attentive gestures, and your contagious laughter. And how can I forget the baked pasta with meatballs. You filled the hours of class with overwhelming energy that has always remained in my heart. We continued to keep in touch and I always felt mutual affection and respect, as well as your desire to live. I am saddened and close to your loved ones. I love you.” These are the words of affection left by a former teacher from Cfp in Gallarate, the school attended by Andrea Bossi, 26 years old, who was killed with a stab wound to the throat on the night between Friday, January 26 and Saturday, January 27 in his home in via Mascheroni in Cairate.

The pain and silence

Andrea had moved to Cairate a few months ago: he was officially a resident of Fagnano. And it is precisely in Fagnano that demonstrations of affection and support for the boy’s family have multiplied: for his father Tino, his mother Rossana, and his sister Federica. To all those who loved the boy. A talented boy, a good young man; a qualified goldsmith with no worries in his head who has always worked.

The funeral

On Saturday, February 3, at 10:30 am, in the church of San Gaudenzio in Fagnano Olona, Andrea will receive the final farewell from those who loved him. The question on everyone’s mind is the same: who did it? The hope is unanimous: catch him soon. It is almost certain that it was a man that the 26-year-old knew. Andrea opened the door for him, as evidenced by the absence of signs of forced entry. The killer was probably trusted: he was killed with a single stab to the neck.

Justice for Andrea

No defensive wounds: surprised and overwhelmed in a matter of minutes. The person who killed him took valuable jewelry. Perhaps jewelry that Andrea had made himself. It is not excluded that the precious items may have been sold: but where? It is also not excluded that the killer, who has hours ahead of the investigators, may have taken a train or another means of transportation and disappeared far away. The impression is that the investigators, who maintain the utmost secrecy, have a precise idea of who it was: the point is to find him. On Saturday, there will be the final farewell. What the family asks is to be able to remain closed in their grief. What everyone hopes for is that Andrea gets justice.

Articolo precedenteIl Tribunale di Busto Arsizio sotto la lente della Lega: l’inchiesta Piazza Pulita
Articolo successivoIl mistero di Francesco Pirillo: scomparso a Fagnano Olona, ritrovato ad Avezzano


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