PAVIA – A Pavia, “Primavera” is currently underway since the evening of March 20th, the Operation planned and aimed at increasing controls in the urban area, dedicated, in particular, to the prevention of nightlife issues and to be able to reconcile, even during the night hours, the presence of young people and customers with the residents.
Operation Primavera, in line with the decisions wanted by the Prefect of Pavia, Francesca De Carlini, at the Provincial Committee for Public Order and Safety with the reinforcement, already starting from last February, of the presence and visibility of the Police in the city center, provides, with the technical coordination of the Questore Nicola Falvella, additional personnel from the Local Police with foot patrols in the city center.
Thanks to the allocation of economic resources by the Municipal Administration for the financing of night shifts, every Wednesday and Friday evening, in the time slot 10.00 pm – 02.00 am, these patrols will support the territorial Police forces in the areas affected by nightlife, in order to promptly intercept any situation of potential criticality for the orderly conduct of evening and night life which, with the spring season, will return to liven up the city streets and squares.

Articolo precedenteFermati due giovani rapinatori a Pavia
Articolo successivoCuore pulsante a Voghera


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